Hello embroidery angels,
This is my very first blog. And i hope i have chosen a good topic.
I plan to make my article little professional, so i go in good steps.
1)History and samples
2)The Aari stitch
3)How to make aari stitch
4)Types of stitches can be made in Aari
Aari embroidery:
Aari embriodery has it own fantastic history.Though iam not a good expert in history, i love to share the things i know on this topic with u. Well, this is an art form dating mughal period, i suppose. And it is done by a hook called tambour hook, which resembles a crochet needle in structure almost. And the familiar i see in this work are the own Kashmiri designs, delicate and intricate ones.
I love to add some more interesting thing s on this late....
Let me show u some samples of Aari embroidery in this page!