Friday, November 30, 2012

Blouse design 1

Dear Followers,
First pictures of aari embroidered blouse, that i had made for my customer. This blouse they preferred not so heavy work, but they wanted it elegant. I was in a hurry, so i clicked some few pics, before shipping them. There is little too shiny reflection on the blouse, as the material is of pure silk.

Another close up of the blouse back neck alone!

I was not planning to post this, because as i said in my last post, i tried to give you the ARHI SAMPLER - yes A- R-H-I is the right spelling of so called as Aari embroidery. Guess from this day on, it will be called by the right name with right spell..ARHI !
Will be delighted if you follow the same spell and pass that to craftsters and needle work lovers too..

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Stitches in Aari embroidery

As i was going through some of my seminar contents, the seminar i presided at Womens polytehnic, Coimbatore, i guessed why not to start with names of the Aari stitches, YES,..
Like any other needlework, there are variety of stitches in Aari embrodiery too, The stitches can be of three types, outliners, fillers and embellished ones.
The stitches that are in outliners are the Chain, Tambour, T chain, Layers.
The stitches that are in the fillers are herringbone, mixed, long and short, and doria.
Among some of the embellished are sitara, katdhana, zardhosi, jalakdoshi, nakshi and many more..
Hope this very first listing of the aari stitches will awaken your spirits! 
I will post the summary of pictures in next post,
Luv all:0)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Sorry guys! Am back !

When i started this blog, all i had in mind was a hobby ! But long after as i return, to see awesome views to this topic and some golden members, i am actually overwhelmed by happiness, guilt, fear. Happiness to see views and followers, ofcourse the followers are the boom to one who speaks or writes. Otherwise it would not be nice,  even a guy who speaks few normal philosophy, though that is someone else's, he feels inspired to speak on and on....I know a friend who would kill the speaker at times, at the beginning it would be nice to hear him...but as the time passes, he would keep boasting as he will lack of content ! Fun though !
Guilt is that i was not serving what you expected, i think it is not good to start an introduction with sorry, but still for your love here, i can say sorry.
Fear is silly to think how many of the followers have changed their ids...:(
Ok, the reason that i was not on is that CRPS complex regional pain syndrome on my left arms, very unfortune for me to think, because it was when i completed my first designing project to LONDON, a dream place for every Fashion designer to be,,,So many of you may not know, that iam a Fashion Designer, and an Image consultant.
My field of interest is in and out, under and above, between and contour, of fashion. 
Colors, threads, dyes, patterns, embellishment techniques, couture making, draping, computer aided fashion designing and textiles are my field of interests. 
So please feel free to enquire or in comment on any of the help you may need,..
With this start, i will make two post per week, wakey :)- Mondays, and go hippy- Fridays...